Plain Old Jen

Monday, January 22, 2007

OBEDIENCE...Sometimes Stinks...

This past weekend I did something I never thought I would ever do. I washed Gray's feet!! Yes, that is right folks I washed Gray's feet (what a stanky choice of feet to wash for my first time right??...just joking..Love you!!). I know some of you are thinking what the heck, how did that happen and others are thinking so who cares, what is the big deal? Well it is a big deal because I hate feet, one could say I have a foot phobia. But enough about is the story of how I got to the place to wash her feet.

This past weekend I went to Rhema and the day I went I decided to make a promise with God, the promise was that I would do anything he asked me to do. And guess what he tested me the whole weekend. By giving me pictures while praying and tell me to speak them outloud, some of which were so whacked out that I said to him you want people to think I am on the crack don't you? But then the random pictures to me always made sense to the people I was praying with. Although this was out of my comfort zone, I could handle it.

But then came Saturday night, we were all sitting in the chapel and Mary Ann and Ian brought in the bowls, towels and jugs of water....I am not going to lie, my stomach turned a little. (There was a time when I couldn't even be in the room during foot washing.) Well automatically I was like whatever, this doesn't involve me.

So then I was singing and praising God minding my own bushiness when God spoke to me;

God: Jen you are going to wash Gray's feet.
Me: Yeah, ummm, no I am not.
(little while passes)
God: Jen it's time to wash her feet.
Me: Oh man, I can't do that.
(little while passes again)
God: Jen, You are to wash Gray's feet.
Jen: Oh man
(little while passes yet again)
God: Go wash Gray's feet, remember what you promised
Jen: Oh crap, your right

So when I knew I was going to have to do it, I am not going to lie I had a mini anxiety attack and I was having trouble breathing. So I had to get some prayer before I did it, so I did. After praying with an amazing lady named Lisa, I was ready (well as ready as I was going to be). I went in and grabbed Gray by the hand and told her...There was some crying...ok I lied there was some sobbing and then I did it. I washed Gray's feet.

It was an experience I will NEVER forget. And I didn't really get why people thought it was so humbling, until I actually did it.

I just want to say God has done so much to me this weekend, and at the beginning of it when someone was praying for weekend they got a word from God, "People were going to leave and be changed forever." And it is true, I will never be the same again. God was so amazing this weekend and I was so blessed. So I just want to give God all the glory and praises he deserves!!


Blogger Adam O said...

Hey Jen!
Sounds like Rhema was awesome. I really wish I could have been there. Unfortunately, I was stuck in Fredericton with tons of snow!!!! Blech!
Anywho, sounds like God did some great things in your life.
Oh, and that awesome woman named Lisa... it had to be Lisa Cheney. She is awesome!!!

2:25 a.m.  
Blogger gray said...

Praise the Lord!

My side of the story is that when they announced that there was gonna be foot washing I imediately felt the need to go pretty up my feet (lotion, delinting, etc.) Which was weird for me, and people said "no, don't bother" and I prayed and really felt that I HAD too. So I went and got rid of the toe jam and stuff.

I knew some one would have to wash my feet, but I really had no idea that it would be Jen.

Oh Man, you're beautiful when you're obediant!

Two the same!

7:41 a.m.  
Blogger Emma said...

thats a really nice story... & crazy because HELLO! you don't like the feet... & even crazier because HELLO! Gray's feet! :)

4:52 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Your right the awesome women named Lisa is Lisa Cheney!! Man I love that women!!!

I believe I was one of the ones that said, "no, don't bother," and I am so glad now that you too are obedient...haha.. OH man, TWO the SAME!!

I know right!! What a choice of feet to wash for my first, what was I thinking??...haha

10:24 a.m.  
Blogger Catherine Morris said...


Wow! You go girl!

I'm sure that your obedience blessed the Father's heart, especially because what it cost you. Obedience brings blessing and you are certain to be blessed.

Keep on keepin' on my sista!

PS: Can you come by sometime and clip my toenails?

9:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I say that I totally agree with everything you wrote. I never imagined I'd see you wash someone's feet, but I'm glad she prettied them up (just in case.) When I walked by and saw you there, I didn't even clue in that the bowl was for Gray's feet, and the water for your hands! Wow.

God IS AMAZING! He was BIG TIME that weekend! I definately left diff then when I came. I can't believe that he reconciled me and the girls. I'm super blessed and suprised and thankful!

6:03 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

HECK NOOOOO!!! Well what i mean to say is, if God tells me to come a clip your toe nails I will be on the next plane but until then sorry you are just going to have to chew them to your likeness...

I totally agree God was soooo INTENSE that weekend...

Going to be changed FOREVER...WHOOT

3:06 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about MY toenails????

12:03 p.m.  

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