Plain Old Jen

Friday, October 13, 2006

Update #2

Well last night was worse than the first night which I never thought was possible. I fell asleep around 12:30am and I was a wake again but 3:00am and I never got back to sleep until 8ish where I only slept for about 30 - 45 mins. Now the reason I couldn't sleep was that my ear was killing me, it felt like there was loose liquid in it that kept popping and cracking and the pressure was unbelievable.

So I decided that I should go back to the doctor because I didn't know how much more I could handle. So I went back to the Walk In Clinic where I seen yet another nice doctor, who told me that my ear canal is swollen almost shut. All that is open is a little slit. So he kept me on my antibiotics along with ear drops, 4 times a day and 3 advil 4 times a day.

Also he told me that if it doesn't get better in a few days that I will have to go to the emergency room where they will have to insert something into my ear to clear a passage way. I am really REALLY nervous about this, and I am praying that it doesn't have to come to that and I hope you will be praying too.


Blogger Catherine Morris said...

Praying the Lord will heal your ear canal tonight and that you will wake in the morning feeling back to normal.

As I took the time to pray for you just now, the thought came to me that this closing up of your ear canal might be prophetic. Is there something the Lord's trying to tell you that you aren't hearing or don't want to hear? Something for you to pray about.

Love and hugs, Catherine

11:38 p.m.  
Blogger Susan said...

Jen, You are in my prayers as well as the girls prayers! We love you, and keep us updated!

12:14 p.m.  
Blogger Bonnie Hunt said...

Hey I have been where you are many times...:-( May I sugesst a hot water bottle they are great. But it will get better!! My prayers are with you.

1:09 p.m.  

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