Let's Go..
This is a picture of Jesus and I walking along a path arm in arm (we are suppose to be holding hands but I made us to close together). Anyways, tonight as I was quieting myself before God, He gave me a picture, and this is it. I could see us walking hand and hand along my path of life and it was awesome. Sometimes I would get really frustrated and let go of His hand and He would fall behind and I could see myself getting more and more frustrated until I fell to my knees and cried and while I stop He would then catch up, reach out His hand and we would walk together again.
Then sometimes I would get really excited and shake off His hand and then run ahead, I would be looking back at Him and He would say wait up and I would be so excited that I would just keep running. But then I would come to some obstacle and I would have to wait for Him to get there and then of course He would help me over, under or through whatever it was.
Through this I just realized that things are just easier when we walk with Him and stay with Him, when we don't let go and try to do things on our own, or when we don't leave Him behind when we are excited. No, we need to take Him with us no matter what..walk with Him down our journey of life. Not that is going to make all the obstacles go away, but it sure does make it easier to have the help.
I am just really flabbergasted with God the last couple of days, He has just shown and revealed Himself new to me. And I feel like I am on a journey to love Him more and that excites me...
This is a song that I have been listening too for the last little while and I have kind of made it a prayer and I want to share it with you so that you can use it as a pray too!!