Plain Old Jen

Saturday, August 25, 2007


This past Sunday I went to church and hear a sermon that really spoke to me. It was about drowning. Yup that's right, drowning. Peter (Gillies) was talking about how God will never let us drown and how we may be in the water up to our necks but He will never let us drown. And honestly that is how I am feeling right now.

In my life I am going through a lot of transition and I will be the first to admit that I do NOT handle it well. For those of you who don't know I am leaving for Saskatchewan in less than 2 days. That is a huge thing for me. I am leaving behind people I love and who love me to go to a place where I know nobody (but I am sure will grow to love me...because who wouldn't). This past week I have had to say some pretty hard "see ya laters" and have had plenty of moments where I want to call my national director and tell him that I am not going, in other words I felt like I was drowning. There have been other times when I just feel like I am in the water bobbing around waiting for God to come rescue me but my favorite feeling is that I am yes that's right folks hand in hand with God on top of the water.

This week though has been a lot more gasping for air than hand in hand and I know that over the next few weeks I am going to be like a breaching whale...sometime down below and sometimes flying high above the water. And I also know this, no matter where I am, God is with me and so are the people that love me and that is what keeps me going and reassures me that I WILL be ok!

Thanks so much for all your prayers because I have defiantly been feeling them...