Plain Old Jen

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tales From The Bus Rider...

Everyday I take the bus to and from work. It is about a 45 minute journey one way. To tell you the truth taking the bus is the highlight of my day. Some people are probably thinking wow you must have an exciting life.. well before you judge finish reading this entry.

Story #1
This is a story that probably takes place within my first month here. I was coming home from work, sitting there minding my own business when out of the corner of my eye I notice this man who kept staring at me. So after about the third time of me looking up and him staring at me I casually smile at him. When I did he started talking. Well I had my head phones in so I took them out and asked him to repeat what he had just said. And he began to repeat himself very loudly I might add, "You and I use to date and you broke my heart and stole my money" and I just kind of sat there in shock. I mean what do you say after something like that.. so he continued to say this over and over again! All I wanted to do was crawl under my seat and die! Finally I dug up the courage and said, "I think you may have me mistaken for someone else," with that being said, he replied, "OH, sorry" and turn around in his seat and never said another word!!

Story #2
This story also takes place on the bus on my way home from work. I was waiting at the bus stop and this lady who was walking with a cane and had her leg in a cast came to the bus shelter where I was sitting. So I did what any good maritimer would do, got off the little bench and let her sit down. She was amazed at my kindness and started talking to me. She just started off talking to me about the weather, where she worked and what she did, etc. Then the buses came and of course she was on my bus so I sat down in a seat and she sat in front of me and turn around and continued to talk to me. But this is where it gets interesting. She then proceeded to tell me about her life, that she grew up Christian but doesn't go to church now because she lives with her boyfriend, and I told her that was no reason not to go to church. And we talked about God for a little while which was nice. But then it happened......she began to talk about her sex you have to remember we are on a BUS, where voices carry and this lady's wasn't talking very quietly. So here I am on the bus listening to intimate details of this lady's sex life and I kept trying to change the subject but nope she was determined to tell me and ask me questions!!! Again I wanted to crawl under my seat and DIE!! But then I seen the glory est IGA ahead (where she said she was going) we are getting closer to the stop and she hasn't rang the bell yet to let her off. And I said hey your stop is coming up and she said I am going to stay on and talk to you... I wanted to puke!! So she stayed on and transferred buses with me talking... I was so afraid she would get off at my stop and try to come home with I did what any one would do PRAYED!!! haha That day I got off a stop before mine and walked in the opposite direction until the bus was out of sight. I was never so happy to get off the bus.

Story #3
This is kind of a sad story. There is this girl who is no doubt on drugs who I see quite a lot on my journey. I have talked to her at bus stops before and even given her food! This day she was really strung out and I sat relatively close to her on the bus. She keep staring at me and I would just smile at her, then at one of the stops she moved back and sat with me. She then proceeded to ask me for Crystal Meth which I didn't have on me. She was getting quite annoyed that I wouldn't sell her any because she said you have sold it to me before, and I said no I haven't just given you food. Do you want some food?? No, I want the drugs. She sat there for about 10 mins trying to get me to sell her drugs and I keep telling her I didn't sell drugs but I would give her my granola bar if she wanted it. Finally she just took it and got off the bus.

Story #4
This story is the reason I decided to write this blog because it is funny and happened today while on my way to work. Usually the bus is crowded in the morning and you can hardly get a seat but this morning it is -49 so the bus was kind of empty. Well I sat in a seat next to an older gentlemen. About 5 mins into the bus ride I look over and the man has his false teeth out. I casually look over at him every now and then to see what he is trying to do. Finally I realize he is trying to put like poly dent on them to help them stick. He then notices me looking at him and then proceeds to ask me to help him! I am a little shocked but I said sure. Then he asked me if I would hold his teeth while he put the poly dent on it. I looked at him, smile and said how about you hold your teeth and I squeeze the poly dent on them for you. He agreed, so I squeezed out his poly dent, he popped his teeth back into his mouth and smiled at me. He made my day and I hope you smile over this one too!!

Well here ends my stories for today. Now do you see why riding the bus is the highlight of my day??? I have a lot more so maybe some day I will blog about them as well! Enjoy your day!!